Monday, October 19, 2009

Cowboy Up!!!

Who doesn't enjoy a sexy cowboy story? I know I do!

My writing over the last few years has been mostly experimental. I have been genre hopping. Hoping eventually to settle on a favorite kind of storytelling. When it works--great! When it doesn't--it's time to try try again.

One thing I keep coming back to is westerns. I must have a love for cowboys, but there is something more that calls me to write these kinds of stories. The code of the west, wide open spaces, realizing the dream of making a home and starting a family. It's all just a small part of why I go all sweet on a good cowboy story.

I started writing westerns with a historical called Gold Fever. As much as I enjoyed writing it, I thought it would be my last. I foolishly thought writing about one cowboy would be enough to get it out of my system. Foolish girl! Once is never enough!

I had to have another cowboy come into my life. Jesse Burke is a gentleman, but he is a cowboy first. He gave years of his life to the rodeo and when he came home to the ranch, he put down roots. Angela always loved him, but he treated her like a baby sister. Her last chance to win the cowboy's heart would be to teach him the dance of desire.

Cowboys Don't Dance will be releasing from Siren Publishing December 2009!